Navigating the Challenges of Remote Condo Renovations with Away, by BOWA

BOWA’s condo experts make remote renovations simple and stress-free

While many appreciate that condominium living generally offers more flexibility for travel, managing condo renovations from afar can be anything but simple. Whether you’re jet-setting on vacation, enjoying an extended stay elsewhere, or navigating a business travel schedule that keeps you on the road, we understand the renovation challenges you face. That’s why we’ve introduced the Away, by BOWASM program, designed to make condo and single-family home renovations effortless, even when you’re miles away.

Your Trusted Condo Renovation Experts

Our specialized team of condo experts is well-versed in managing projects for remote clients. We understand the unique requirements of condo renovation projects, whether it’s planning around building requirements, navigating restrictions, communicating with neighbors, or seeking approvals from building management. Our team can ensure that every detail is properly addressed and you’re kept up-to-date and involved as much as you want to be.

Seamless Project Management

With our Away, by BOWA program, distance is no longer a barrier to achieving your renovation goals. Here’s a look at how we make it happen from the planning stage on:

1. Project Feasibility and Planning

We begin with detailed Zoom consultations to understand your vision, preferences, and any logistical challenges we might face. Our condo experts provide comprehensive solutions, design options, and estimated costs, helping you to make informed decisions remotely.

2. Design and Selections

Visualize your renovated space through 3D plans and virtual tours, all from the comfort of your current location. We offer virtual showroom visits and will mail samples to help you choose materials and finishes that align with your style and budget.

3. Streamlined Approvals

Navigating building regulations and securing permits can be complex. Our team represents you at HOA meetings and county permit offices, ensuring necessary approvals are obtained without requiring your presence.

4. Construction Oversight

Once construction begins, you can rest assured knowing our team of experts provides full-time supervision and adheres to detailed production schedules within your building’s working hours. Weekly Zoom meetings keep you updated on progress, and tools for sharing photos and videos ensure transparency throughout the remodeling process.

5. Home Management Beyond Renovations

Our commitment doesn’t end with the completion of your renovation. We offer 24/7 customer service for warranty items and emergencies, as well as regular home maintenance services to keep your condo in top condition for years to come.

Experience the BOWA Advantage

Choosing BOWA means partnering with a company dedicated to exceeding your expectations, no matter where life takes you. Our Away, by BOWA program is designed to minimize stress and maximize convenience during your remote condo renovation, allowing you to return to a beautifully renovated condo that reflects your unique lifestyle and tastes.

Get Started Today

Ready to transform your condo with our Away, by BOWA program? Let us know how we can turn your renovation vision into reality. Whether relaxing on a beach or closing deals across the globe, experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your condo is in expert hands. Let BOWA redefine your condo renovation experience, wherever you may be.