Class is In: Remodeler holds quarterly in-house training sessions

CDoug Horgan, BOWA VP of Best Practices heck it out!

BOWA’s Doug Horgan, vice president of best practices, was recently featured in Remodeling magazine talking about our 50th in-house employee training session.

“For Horgan, planning the meeting is the most valuable part of his job, he says….’My mission is to reduce construction defects. They’re a drag for our customers — and they’re expensive.’”

“Past sessions have covered various concrete, masonry, roofing, insulation, plumbing, electrical, and paint topics. Code updates are of particular interest, since BOWA works in three jurisdictions. Horgan has also covered exterior weatherproofing for roofing and masonry installation where “the smallest mistakes can cause the biggest consequences.”

The advantage of hosting an in-house meeting rather than sending employees out for training is, Horgan says, that the company can concentrate on specific topics relevant to the type of jobs it does and its particular climate zone.”