Are You Going About Your Condo Search the Right Way?
Consider These Condominium Search Tips
The renovation of luxury condominium apartments continues to be one of the fastest-growing segments of what we specialize in at BOWA. While we’ve done this type of work for over two decades, there is no question the pace and frequency has increased. Looking back over the last five years, about 20% of our projects were in condos, and our expertise grew with every one of them.
Something we hear all too frequently is, “I’d love to simplify, but I can’t find anything acceptable in the buildings I’d want to live in.” The answer to this quandary may surprise you: You might not be approaching your search correctly. Instead of looking for perfect, look for potential. Don’t see a problem, see opportunity. With a remodeling advocate on your search team, you can quickly evaluate your options and move forward with confidence. This is exactly what BOWA does.

When asked to assist with a condo search, we first tap into our network of realtors, building managers, condo clients, and other industry partners to determine what units are out there that the general public may be unaware of. Having worked in more than 45 luxury buildings, our network is extensive and yields great results.
Next, we advise prospective buyers to keep an open mind. More likely than not the perfect unit doesn’t exist. Rather than limit their search to already renovated units, which include someone else’s taste and design criteria, we encourage buyers to seek opportunities to impart their own style, functionality and selections. This revised mindset greatly expands the pool of available units.
The main reasons folks will avoid this alternate path are time and risk. But what if, before writing a final offer, you could know the costs, timing, and level of finish of a future renovation? What if you could have a fixed price prior to construction, which includes all architecture and permitting costs? Solving the time-and-risk dilemma is what BOWA has figured out how to do and delivers time and again. This is the reason our Condo Renovation division continues to grow year over year.
If you’re interested, please reach out. It’s worth a conversation.
Guest Blog by
Steve Kirstein
Principal, BOWA