Is your home ready? Follow this Winterizing Checklist
Did you know that the average first frost for the Washington, DC area is October 17th? While this week’s 75-degree days make it hard to believe, winter’s freezing temperatures are bound to be here before we know it!
To protect your home and family, now is the time to plan ahead by scheduling service people or setting aside time to follow our winterizing checklist.
So simple, yet invaluable…you can’t afford to neglect these tips!
- Replace smoke detector batteries.
- Replace carbon monoxide batteries.
- Check and clean fireplaces and chimneys.
- Lock windows to keep them square.
These few projects can help to ensure the long-term health of your home’s exterior.
- Clean debris from gutters and downspouts.
- Shut off and drain hosebibs.
- Check and clean septic system.
- Caulk and retouch exterior paint.
- Make sure drainage is heading away from the house.
A ‘Fall Start Check,’ consisting of the following, should be performed on each unit of the HVAC system.
- Check and replace air filter.
- Check combustion chamber.
- Check charge on heat pumps.
- Check humidifier operation and replaceable parts.
- Clean away leaves and debris from outside units.
- Adjust dampers to favor northern, not southern, rooms.