The Psychology Behind Home Remodeling
When considering a renovation, homeowners often envision a successful project in terms of functional issues solved or physical needs met. But what about the psychological impact? While form and function are clearly important factors when weighing the investment, there is also something to be said about the emotional gain. From initial inquiry to the moment a family can begin enjoying their new space, the psychology behind home remodeling should not be underestimated.

Homeowners may find that their overall mood shifts for the better once project discussions get rolling. Putting off a project can cause a buildup of stress and anxiety, and research has shown that procrastination can be problematic for memory and mood regulation. On the flip side, finally starting the project that’s been living in the back of your mind can lift your spirits and provide a much-needed mental boost. While the thought of living through a renovation, the unknowns, or your neighbor’s remodeling horror story might seem overwhelming, BOWA’s team has the experience and proven processes needed to address these concerns. By partnering with a trusted advisor, rewarding feelings of excitement and relief and a sense of achievement can prevail.
Home remodeling can also lead to improved relationships within a household, both while a renovation is in progress and after it is completed. Throughout a project, there is usually increased communication amongst family members as both a shared goal and a shared reward are at play. If it seems like you and your spouse are on different pages, an experienced design build team like BOWA can help to address conflicting priorities and rally all parties around that beautiful vision of what lies ahead. Then, once a project is complete, family members often find themselves spending more time together in their new and improved space. Specifically, renovations that involve open concepts and expanded multi-use areas increase opportunities for social interaction. Even the smaller changes, such as a second dishwasher, can free up time allowing family members to sit down and talk more. A renovation project can truly be a great opportunity to foster bonding experiences while strengthening the connection between loved ones.

Design is another important factor when considering the psychology behind home remodeling. For many, our home is an extension of our identity. If we haven’t fully put our own stamp on our house yet or addressed the issues that bother us, it can weigh heavily on our psyche. But when a homeowner has a path to their own vision and chooses a team that understands how details such as color and lighting affect our productivity, wellbeing, and enjoyment, the inner rewards can be bountiful. The image to the left shows a mood board created by one of BOWA’s In-House Design Experts. At the start of a project, during inspiration meetings, clients are able to walk through their ideas with our designers, who then create collages that reflect a desired style/aesthetic.
The psychology behind home remodeling is something that motivates BOWA to deliver spaces that our clients can genuinely call a home; spaces where families can live better lives and memories can be made. Our experts are here to help and will provide guidance through every step of the process.
If you’re ready to get those project discussions rolling, contact us today!